God’s Woodshed Hebrews 12:5-11

God’s Woodshed Hebrews 12:5-11

God does not punish His children… He will not inflict retribution for an offense… retribution is punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance for a wrong or criminal act – Jesus took our retribution on the cross…

• God disciplines His children because He loves them.
• God disciplines His children to make them mature.
• God disciplines His children to increase their capacity for virtue.
• God disciplines His children to keep them on the right path.
• God disciplines His children to grow their faith.
• God disciplines His children to purify them from sin

Understanding Why

Sometimes our attitude needs correcting
Job 1:8-12; 42:3-6 Ps 94:12-13

Sometimes we need correction because of our sin
Ps 38:1-4

Sometimes we just need to build endurance
Heb 10:36

Understanding How

Life difficulties… (2Co 11:23-29)

Experiencing Loss… (2Sam 12:13-18)

Physical Ailments (1Co 11:30-31)

End Game

The desired result of God’s discipline is holiness and maturity and to become like His Son.
James 1:2-4 Rom 8:29 Rev 5:10